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The Dodger. I have decided with Belial's and Vine's consultation to create a small handful of Yielders to once and for all rid us of this accursed beast. |
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Entry, 2nd of October 1783 ad.
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The Shard and Seal is broken and the fragments within my hands but the Yielders have been unsuccessful in their task. One crawled back to me through the pages of the library on fire and died. As I dowsed the flames it became clear that it was not the fire that had driven it from its task. In its mouth was a bloody white feather and about its body were deep marks that should have been made by claws but were not. They were the wounds of some blade which would have had to have been enchanted given the precision of the gashes. This is surely not the work of the Dodger. Something lurks now within the Tower and I know not what. |
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Three days ago I witnessed an uncharacteristic trait in Belial. When I informed him of the deaths of the Urges and the Yielders he took off in blind anger from his place in the library and promptly accessed the Tower. |
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