Tales From the Tower Wiki
Healing Power
25% of health
Healing Power
50% of health
Healing Power
100% of health

The Vials are flasks filled with three differently coloured VialGreen VialRed VialBlue liquids which we can use to replenish our health. While the green vial is the weakest, the red and blue vials have a greater medical effectiveness and potency, meaning they replenish a larger portion of our health bar.

In the Laboratory in the basement of Charles Randall's Vicarage, we come across an experimental set-up with various chemical apparatuses and a wooden rack EXPER1.experiment holding three test tubes whose substances bear the same colours as the vials.


Green Potions (weak)[]

Red Potions (medium)[]

Belial's Prison, inside one of the cells: PrisonJournalMapGraveyardMaze

Blue Potions (strong)[]

Island of Threads, to the side of the green DIGATE1.gate in sheol Dimension Gate.


Adam: It's got some sort of liquid in it. Any ideas?
Rebecca: Yes... It's magical; healing I believe.
