Tales From the Tower Wiki
Mirror of Solomon
Mirror of Solomon in Grimorium Verum
Grimorium Verum
PC Format Timeline
Florentine's Journal

The Mirror of Solomon is an artefact not actually encountered in the game, but alluded to in Florentine's Journal and namechecked in the Timeline published by PC Format magazine.

According to these two sources, Florentine and Belial spent most of the 15th century searching for a device to halt the fires that entailed during the breaking of the first and second Seals and led to the destruction of the Temple of the Morning Star.[1] [2]

In 1420, they visited Plymouth to set off to Israel on a merchant ship, where they intended to meet with their minions Gaziel, Fécor and Anarazel who are adept at seeking out the impossible and locating what is hidden, an otherworldly device that according to Belial may aid the Order.

Entry, the evening of the 13th of January, 1420 ad.
Belial, again saving my life in the fire, has whispered to me of an otherworldly device that may aid the Order, but its location and power is shielded from him. We are therefore currently making the necessary plans to travel to Plymouth and there pay for passage on some merchant ship to Israel. The threat from our old Templar Order there does not bother me so much now that its existence is speculative. If we make Israel in good time I hope for us to meet there with the Minions Gaziel, Fécor and Anarazel and bargain with them for their aid in our search. They are adept in seeking out the impossible and locating what is hidden.

They are eventually able to locate the elusive item in the year 1490.[3]

The Mirror is mentioned again by the Timeline in PC Format Magazine:

After unsuccessful attempts to kill the Dodger, the Power of Belial informs Florentine that the Gardeners may have returned to the Tower. American Temple member James Jonson is killed after locating an entrance to the Tower. His family perish in the fire. The Temple are attacked by the Dodger and the Ire as they try to move the Mirror.

I'm not entirely sure, to whom the pronominal word "they" refers to in this case, either to James' family, other Temple members or to the joint venture of the Dodger & the Ire?

Further Reading[]

In the Grimorium Verum (Latin for True Grimoire or The Grimoire of Truth), an 18th-century grimoire attributed to a certain Alibeck the Egyptian of Memphis, the purported author details the composition of the Mirror of Solomon as such: § 7. Concerning the Mirror of Solomon, suitable for all Kinds of Divination


  1. Entry, the morning of the 25th of January, 1330 ad.
    All went as planned initially within the Chamber of the Soulstone but as the First Seal upon the First Shard was broken by word and Power, the very fires of Hell rose and welled in all quarters. Belial was by my side with the Sword in an instant to protect me from harm, but regretfully I passed out in the heat. When I awoke it was upon the grass verge beside the smouldering remains of the Temple.

  2. Entry, the evening of the 13th of January, 1420 ad.
    I fear the fire that ravaged this place when the second Shard and Seal was broken was from the same source as seventy four years ago. Damn the Light and burn it from its place. If we are to lose more acolytes and severely deplete our monetary reserves to rebuild the Temple each time this occurs, then we must postpone our endeavours for awhile until the problem can be solved.

  3. Timeline in PC Format magazine:

    The Mirror of Solomon is located. Florentine pays a visit to Madrid to find papers on the Tower, then goes to the Temple of the Morning Star.