Green Crystal | |
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The Green Crystals are fragments of the Soulstone and appear to us in various forms, either as separate shards or as ornamental gemstones that have been incorporated into trinkets, necklaces and staffs. They have a strong magical quality and in some instances, can be used for teleportation.
Charles Randall's Pendant[]
Setting foot into the Mansion's Study for the first time, Adam will meet an apparation of his father, Charles Randall, as seen in the cutscene In the name of the Father. Charles is wearing a viridescently glowing pendant around his neck, by which his soul is being trapped, referring to it as "my prison and my jailer". Discussing the object with Rebecca, the pendant appears to be of the same substance as the other green crystals that we come across.
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Adam: When my father... appeared to me. He was wearing a stone around his neck. A pendant? He said it was his jailer. |
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Adam: My father. Kept here by... by some evil. I have to find a way to free him from this place. The stone he wears around his neck. He said it was his misery, the thing that kept him here - the source of the evil in this place. And its essence is all around. Maybe the stone is only part of a greater evil. |
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Adam: What do you think these green crystals are? |
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The Shrive[]
The Shrive (in the German edition known as Symbol der Reue, that is "symbol of regret/remorse") is the key to the Soulstone and the device that can lock up the evils of the world into a lesser form for thousand years. It is connected to the sword Eternity which was taken from the Soulstone by Claude Florentine.
About the size of a hand's palm and bearing a small green crystal in the centre of it, this precious object may only be held by someone whose hands have been branded and it can be connected to the pummel of the above-mentioned Dragon Sword.
Rebecca's Pendant[]
This Pendant is an ornate amulet belonging to Rebecca Trevisard. Its design is reminiscent of the Egyptian Eye of Horus. Aelf refers to her as the 'open eye' and in the letters we find in the Mansion's Study, the amulet is referred to as Third Periapt of the Assembly, hinting at its significance and the supernatural, magical qualities the pendant is imbued with. By touching the pendant that she is usually wearing around her neck, Rebecca is able to both bear witness to and telegraph external events to other people. Thus, apart from their teleportational function, the Green Crystals also appear to have a telepathic quality. This idea resonates with a comment from Rebecca, when we discuss the Old Knight's Helm:
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Adam: This thing's strange. I can't believe what I saw when I put it on. |
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Florentine's Staff[]
Florentine's Staff is a magical weapon belonging to Claude Florentine which Adam and Rebecca find it in the bedchamber of his ancient Cottage. It appears as an ornate walking stick with an impressive green jewel and gold worked into the head-piece, reminding Adam of the necklace he saw around his father's neck. The main appeal of the staff, at least to the player, lies in its fatality against the final boss of the game, the Dodger, requiring a mere two shots to defeat the creature.
Apart from its convincing power as a weapon though, the other remarkable feature of the staff is its teleportational quality, which we can attribute to the above-mentioned green gem, making it a useful device to travel between various parts in the Mansion. When discussing the item with Rebecca, she actually muses that its magical property may be related to movement. Using it on the left side of the Sarcophagus in the Study, will get us teleported back to the Observatory. Using the Staff on the right side of the Sarcophagus, will conveniently send us back to to the Mausoleum where we met Aelf for the first time (a useful shortcut in case we forgot to pick up the Serpent Statuette that's hidden in one of the alcoves).
Shards of Green Crystal[]
These shards of green crystal are primarily used for teleportation and required to travel to the other Realms. The first shard can be found in a fireplace in the Mansion. It fits the small aperture on the green dome that allows us to meet the Gnarl. Passing the Gnarl's test to trust in time, we will receive the Egyptian Masks and by travelling back to the Mansion, the green crystal will appear from our inventory. If we failed the test, we can thankfully return to the fireplace and fetch another shard.
Setting foot into the Temple of the Morning Star, we find another four shards of green crystal, placed on top of an altar stone. Despite Rebecca's company, we're only ever allowed to take one of them. Maybe Rebecca does not require one of them, because she already carries a fragment of the Soulstone with her, namely the small gem that's incorporated into her magical pendant.
During our lengthy conversation with Hawk after we've freed him from his prison beyond the Sarcophagus, we also talk to him about the Green Crystals and he reveals a shard of his own: Chapter 11 - Hawk - Gaul
Discussing the Green Crystals[]
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Adam: Rebecca. Any thoughts on what this is? |
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Adam: What do you think these green crystals are? |
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Discussing Charles Randall's chain[]
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Adam: When my father... appeared to me. He was wearing a stone around his neck. A pendant? He said it was his jailer. |
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Reflecting on his father[]
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Adam: My father. Kept here by... by some evil. I have to find a way to free him from this place. The stone he wears around his neck. He said it was his misery, the thing that kept him here - the source of the evil in this place. And its essence is all around. Maybe the stone is only part of a greater evil. |
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