Tales From the Tower Wiki

Anarazel is an entity not actually encountered in the game, but mentioned once in Florentine's journal[1] and secondly in the Timeline which was published in Issue 65 of PC Format Magazine.

According to ancient superstition, Anarazel is one of the demons charged with the guardianship of subterranean treasures, which he carries about from one place to another to hide them from men. Together with his accomplices Gaziel and Fécor, shakes the foundations of houses, raises the tempests, rings the bells at midnight, causes specters to appear, and inspires a thousand terrors. Anarazel is also said to provide his followers with answers to their future and to guide them on their financial endeavours.

Florentine's Journal[]

Entry, the evening of the 13th of January, 1420 ad.
Belial, again saving my life in the fire, has whispered to me of an otherworldly device that may aid the Order, but its location and power is shielded from him. We are therefore currently making the necessary plans to travel to Plymouth and there pay for passage on some merchant ship to Israel. The threat from our old Templar Order there does not bother me so much now that its existence is speculative. If we make Israel in good time I hope for us to meet there with the Minions Gaziel, Fécor and Anarazel and bargain with them for their aid in our search. They are adept in seeking out the impossible and locating what is hidden.

PC Format Timeline[]

Florentine meets the Powers known as Fecor [sic] and Anarazel in the ruins of Krak des Chevaliers and they head for the Carpathians where they hope to find the elusive device.


One of the more original texts appears to be the Dictionnaire Infernal, compiled by Jacques-Albin-Simon Collin de Plancy and published in 1825. According to this French tome, Anarazel, aided by Fécor and Gaziel, shakes the foundations of houses ("ébranle les fondemens des maisons"), causes tempests ("excite les têmpetes"), rings the bells at midnight ("sonne les cloches à minuit"), makes ghosts appear (fait paraître les spectres") and inspires many other terrors ("inspire mille terreurs").[2]

The German writer Agrippa von Nettesheim speaks about various ghosts in Die Magischen Werke, a collection of his treatises from the Renaissance period.[3]

During my research on the triumvirate of Fécor, Gaziel and Anarazel, I couldn't really find many other historical sources, such as grimoires or the likes, which would mention and elaborate on these creatures. As it is, my sole information so far has been drawn from the above-mentioned extracts and modern-day encyclopaedias on Demonology and Occultism, which often contain mere translations and repetitions.[4][5]


  1. Florentine's Journal, 13 January 1420
  2. Jacques-Albin-Simon Collin de Plancy, Dictionnaire Infernal, 1825.
  3. Agrippa von Nettesheim, Die magischen Werke und weitere Renaissancetraktate.
  4. Lewis Spence, An Encyclopaedia of Occultism, 2003, Page 24.
  5. Theresa Bane, Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures, 2012, Page 39.