Tales From the Tower Wiki
Playing Devices
Ace of SpadesDieJokerQueen of Hearts
Ace of Spades

Mansion vestibule, by the main entrance door

The Ace of Spades is the playing card which Gaul drops by the main entrance in the Mansion's vestibule, as seen in Eye of the Beast Gaul - 'Coming Events...'. Upon investigating the Armoury, Rebecca takes Adam's hand in order to telegraph Gaul's presence outside the house and his sealing of the double-winged entrance with one of the REDWARD.door with red ward red lemniscatic wards that can also be frequently seen in Charles Randall's Vicarage. On top of the playing card which he drops in the process is written: "Adam, now it begins," leading Adam to speculate that Gaul may be an old friend of his father or someone who visited when he was too young to remember.

In folklore, the Ace of Spades is also referred to as "death card". Together with the Dice2 Die we find in a small locker in the house, we could read the playing card as another ominous insinuation, a threat, a warning of impending death, disguised in the form of a pun.


Adam: The guy in the hat. The one that dropped this? He knew my name, Rebecca. Look at the card.
Rebecca: I'm not sure who he is, but I could tell he was both physically and psychically strong. And there's was something I've not felt before. His eyes. They spoke to me of pure evil.

Adam: The man we saw outside the house. I feel that I should know him... like I've met him before. Odd I know but... there it is. And the playing card - with my name on it. He must know me. One of my father's old friends, someone who visited when I was too young to remember. I think not. All I felt from him was spite. And so it begins... What begins? What the hell does that mean?

See also[]

  • Die, another (pun-laden) playing device we come across.
  • Playing Cards, where we have a look at the other playing cards appearing in the game.
